January 2025
Griffithsin: will be maintained on the website although US - Active Clinical Trials: none
Cofetuzumab pelidotin (ABBV-647) : Trial has been terminated and compound has been removed
E7130 : Company / Institution link has been updated: https://www.eisai.com/innovation/research/pipeline/index.html#anc-2
PM54: Compound name link: https://jeccr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13046-024-03253-y
PM534: Chemical class link: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=pm534&tab=pubmed
October 2024
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
- ​There were no changes to the number of clinical trials since the previous update.
XB010 (5T4-MMAE ADC) was added to the Phase 1 table.
August 2024
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
Griffthisin (GRFT): although there are no active clinical trials, Dr. O’Keefe sent the following message by email (8/2/2024): “The GRFT Phase I trials have been completed. A manuscript detailing the results of the Phase 1 trial of the intranasal formulation of Q-GRFT (the oxidation resistant analog of GRFT) for SARS-CoV-2 prevention is in preparation. On the HIV front, the Population Council is still moving forward with wild type GRFT and carrageenan in a fast-dissolving insert formulation for use as a topical microbicide. Their successful Phase 1 results with a GRFT/carrageenan gel were published in 2023. The Population Council were funded by NIAID to continue work on a newer fast-dissolving insert formulation of a GRFT-based microbicide”.
PM54: the following link was added: Abstract 1880: Ecubectedin and PM54 demonstrate antitumor activity in patient-derived xenograft models of soft tissue sarcoma | Cancer Research | American Association for Cancer Research (aacrjournals.org)
PM534: the following link was added: PM534, an Optimized Target-Protein Interaction Strategy through the Colchicine Site of Tubulin | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (acs.org)
June 2024
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
ARX-517: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 2 to Phase 1.
BT5528 was consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
Griffthisin: no longer has clinical trials.
April 2024
ARX-788: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 3.
STRO-002: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2.
FOR-46: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
ARX-517: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
STI-6129: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
SGN-B6A: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 3
RC-88: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
ARX-517: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
Upifitamab rilsodotin (XMT-1536): clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
MRG003: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 3.
A-166: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
BT8009: clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 2 to Phase 3.
ALT-P7: Removed from Phase I. No longer has active clinical trials.
Farletuzumab ecteribulin (MORAb-202): clinical trials have been consolidated from Phase 1 to Phase 2
EBC-129: a new row for this new Phase 1 study was added
February 2024
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
MRG003: The link for U.S. Clinical trials and Chinese clinical trials were updated.
ALTP-7: although one clinical trial is listed on clinicaltrials.gov as completed, it remains on the manufacturer website.
SGN-B6A: Pfizer has completed the acquisition of Seagen, so the link is to Pfizer’s website.
SGN-CD228A: has been removed as the only clinical trial listed is terminated and it no longer is present in the on the Seagen/Pfizer clinical pipeline.
A-166: Link for U.S. clinical trials was updated.
Upifitamab rilsodotin (XMT-1536): Clinical trials in U.S shows 1 trial that is “active, not recruiting”. Most recently the FDA paused Upifitamab rilsodotin trials: FDA Pauses Upifitamab Rilsodotin Trials in Platinum-Sensitive Ovarian Cancer (cancernetwork.com)
ARX-517: a new row was added.
Leucettinib-21: a new row was added.
December 2023
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
MRG003: Link for Chinese clinical trials was updated.
A-166: Link for U.S. clinical trials was updated.
Upifitamab rilsodotin (XMT-1536): Clinical trials in U.S shows 1 trial that is “active, not recruiting”.
Most recently the FDA paused Upifitamab rilsodotin trials: FDA Pauses Upifitamab Rilsodotin Trials in Platinum-Sensitive Ovarian Cancer (cancernetwork.com)
ARX-517: a new row was added.
October 2023
All the links have been checked and are properly working.
BT8009 target was updated to Nectin-4 (PVRL4).
Name of MORAb202 was updated to Farleztuzumab ecteribulin and the chemical class updated to ADC (Ecteribulin).
New row added for compounds PM54 and PM534
Removed indication for HIV for griffithsin, due to the fact that the clinical trial for this indication was terminated.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
August 2023
All the links have been checked and are properly working.
June 2023
All the links have been checked and are working properly.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
New links were added for the “Compound Name” for: STRO-002, Cofetuzumab pelidotin, and STI-6129.
April 2023
Link for Cofetuzumab pelidotin’s “Company/Institution” has been updated with AbbVie's current pipeline webpage. All other links have been checked and are properly working.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
Points discussed during meeting:
PF-06804103: This compound has no more active clinical trials; it is not found in the Pipeline on Pfizer’s website anymore either. It was decided to remove this compound in the Phase 1 page.
SGN-CD228A: This compound’s Phase 1 study is “terminated”; however, it is still on the Pipeline under phase 1 on Seagen’s website. It was decided we should keep this compound in the Phase 1 page for some months.
February 2023
All the links have been checked and were working properly.
The number of current clinical trials was updated accordingly.
Link has been updated to show the company's pipeline page for A-166.
Compound name for MorAb-202 has been updated to Farletuzumab Ecteribulin (MorAb-202).
New compound, EBC-129, has been added.
December 2022
All the links have been checked and were working properly. The number of clinical trials in Phase 1 is currently reflected on the website. Recent updates to phase 1 clinical trials include compounds completing phase 1, progressing to phase 2, and phase 3.
ARX-788: has six trials in progress: 1 phase 1 trial, 5 phase 2 trials, and 1 phase 3 trial.
XMT-153: named upifitamab rilsodotin, has 2 phase 1 trials, 1 phase 2 trial and 1 phase 3 trial.
MORAb-202: has 3 phase 2 trials, and 1 phase 1 trial.
MRG003: has 5 phase 2 trials, and 1 phase 1 trial.
RC-88: has 1 phase 2 trial, and 2 phase 1 trials.
STI-6129:  3 Phase 2 trials, and 5 phase 1 trials.  
September 2022
During September copyright notices were posted on the top and bottom of this page. Date of the last update has been edited.
ARX-788 has 6 US clinical trials ( https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=ARX788&Search=Apply&recrs=b&recrs=a&recrs=f&recrs=d&age_v=&gndr=&type=&rslt=), and has been added to the Phase 3 webpage.
XMT-1536 (upifitamab rilsodotin) has a US Active Phase 3 trial ( https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05329545?recrs=abdf&cond=XMT-1536&draw=2&rank=2) has been added to the Phase 3 webpage.
MORab-202 (Farletuzumab Ecteribulin) has a US Active Phase 2 trial (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04300556?recrs=abdf&cond=MORAb-202&draw=2&rank=2) and has been added to the Phase 2 webpage.
MRG003 has 5 US Active Phase 2 trials (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/resultscond=mrg003&term=&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=&Search=Search) and has been added to the Phase 2 webpage.
A-166 has 2 US Active Phase 2 trials (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05346328?cond=A-166&draw=2&rank=3) and has been added to the Phase 2 webpage.