© 2021-2025 Marine Pharmacology
Marine Pharmacology General Publications
Willis, Randall C. Nature's Pharma Sea. Modern Drug Discovery, January 2002:32-38.
Mayer, A.M.S. Current marine pharmacology contributions to new drug development in the biopharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical News 9:479-482, 2002.
Sennett, S.H., McCarthy, P.J., Wright, A.E. and Pomponi, S.A. Natural products from marine invertebrates: the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Experience. Pharmaceutical News 9: 483-488, 2002.
Fenical, W., Sethna, K.M. and Lloyd, K.G. Marine microorganisms as a developing resource for drug discovery. Pharmaceutical News 9:489-494, 2002.
Garcia-Fernandez, L.F., Reyes, F. and Sanchez-Puelles, J.M. The marine pharmacy: new antitumoral compounds from the sea. Pharmaceutical News 9:495-501, 2002.
Burkhard, Haefner. Drugs from the deep: marine natural products as drug candidates. Drug Discovery Today 8:536-544, 2003.
Krajick, Kevin. Medicine from the Sea. Smithsonian 35: 50-59, 2004.
Can a humble sponge cure cancer? DISCOVER 26(10): 60, 2005.
Scraping Bottom. Drug Discovery News, August 2006.
Drugs from the Deep. Nature, 443:904-5, 2006.
Marine Bioprospecting for Novel Drugs. Genetic Engineering News, 26 (21):1, 47-49, 2006.
Scientists Are Searching the Seas for Cancer Drugs. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 98(10): 662-3, 2006.
Liquid Gold Mine. Chemical and Engineering News. 85(41): 22-28, 2007.
Hopwood, D. Therapeutic treasures from the Deep. Nature Chemical Biology 3(8): 457-8, 2007.
"Investigating Nature's Mysteries for Drug Development". National Cancer Institute-Frederick's Natural Products Branch, video 5-11-2011.
Berrué F, McCulloch MW, Kerr RG. Marine diterpene glycosides. Bioorg Med Chem. 2011 Nov 15;19(22):6702-19. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2011.06.083.
Testing the WATERS by Timothy Gower. PROTO, Dispatches from the Frontiers of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, SPRING 2015.
A drug (plitipepsin, Phase III) that inhibits host protein synthesis shows antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. SCIENCE 371: 884-885, 2021.
To the depths of drug discovery. Scientific Observer. 14: 9-15. May 2022.
Hope for New Drugs Arises from the Sea. Scientific American. 327, 2, 56-64 (August 2022) doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0822-56
A potential therapy for curing HIV comes from the sea. Drug Discovery News. October 2022.
Drugs from the deep: scientists explore ocean frontiers. France24. March 2022.
Pharmaceuticals from marine sources: past, present and future. The Pharmaceutical Journal. July 2024.
A Sea Snail Toxin Could Inspire New Diabetes Drugs. The Scientist. November 2024.