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Criteria for Inclusion
© 2021-2024 Marine Pharmacology
  1. Peer-reviewed literature on activity and chemical structure available in databases (Pubmed, Pubchem (CAS number), SciFinder, MarineLit, etc.)

  2. Prescription information available

  3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), UK (MHRA), Europe (EMA), Japan, Australia, China, India and/or country with an equivalent to FDA approval

  4. Marine organism source (including symbionts)

  5. The compound must be original MNP or structural derivative of MNP (marine-derived).  If it is possible to trace a direct route from one MNP to a drug, then it will be listed. However, a derivative of a derivative (ie 3rd generation drugs) will not be listed.

  6. Molecular target has been or is being characterized

  7. Current clinical trials in North America (USA, Canada), Europe, Japan, Australia or China which are recruiting, active and not recruiting, enrolling by invitation will be shown, while  completed trials will not be included.

  8.  Approved disease indication(s)

  9. Marketing by an Institution ( Academia, Biotech, Pharmaceutical company, etc)

  10. Compounds withdrawn by regulatory agencies will not be shown but listed separately as Withdrawn

© 2021-2024 Marine Pharmacology
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